Saturday, May 26, 2018

New Adventures!

This last year has been a whirlwind with our move to Victoria, BC so I kind of neglected my blog but I will try to keep you updated a little more often this year. My last post was in May 2017, yikes!

Now that we are settled in our new home in Victoria, I finally did something I have been wanting to do for a long time; teach an online class! I joined the April challenge on Skillshare and produced my first workshop: Watercolor Field Trip: Explore Watercolor + Mixed Media. It came out on April 30th and I already have over 140 people taking the class and I am getting amazing feedback and reviews. What I love about online classes is that you can reach people from around the world!

You can get 2 free months if you subscribe to Skillshare with my link, and you'll have access to my class plus thousand of other awesome classes. And I will send you a hand painted thank you bird! Yes snail mail! But you'll have to let me know and email me your address. If you already have a subscription to Skillshare, just upload a project in my class and I'll send you one too! Hope to see you in class! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

1 comment:

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